Always been curious about Questing. Few roadblocks or concerns when trying quests for social

1. Is the social quest based community really your users, if there is a disconnect, based on airdrop hunters and the platform users.

2. How to create the right kind of quests. The usual campaigns are around social media following and actions, which at times seem to backfire with twitters' algorithm. can you share some examples of quests done right and quests done wrong.

3. Share some sort of direction and roadmap of categorized quests and tasks. Which type of quests to run at what stage of a startup.

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Hey! Thanks for you comment - always love to jam on this sort of stuff!

1) Their may be a disconnect, but if you can establish a true connection with >10% of participants the process is very much so worth it in my opinion

2) I think the best quest utilize a combination of on-chain & off-chain tasks to get participants familiar with using protocols, while also hoping to retain their attention via. social tasks

3) The ROI of certain quest and campaigns definitely depends on the stage & type of protocol, but as an example quest can serve as an extremely effective tool for entering new markets or introducing your brand to a new ecosystem

Thanks again for you comments!

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